Over the coming weeks we’ll start to see a flurry from of activity from the cities as they join the festival. This page will be the place where all the events will appear for each city, it will be updated automatically as event organisers and city partners add their content. Sit tight, there’s a festival on it’s way… Awesome!
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How do I get involved as a city partner?
Passionate about building communities? Take the lead as a city organiser and have a stake in the success of #bdw15 in your city. Find out more and register your participation at bigdataweek.com/citypartner/
How do I get involved as a sponsor?
Big Data Week has a unique global local opportunity for sponsors wanting to put their organisation into the heart of our community. We have a number of packages to suit global and local hub partners. Find out more at bigdataweek.com/sponsor/
How do I get involved as an event organiser?
Easy… just visit bigdataweek.com/eventorganisers/ to find out more about taking part and organising events in your city.