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- Each local community will have a dedicated page on the BDW website, for the city it represents.
- As such, local community website URLs will be of the form: www.bigdataweek.com/TelAviv.
- We do not recommend using dedicated domains for localizing events – such as www.bigdataweektelaviv.com.
- Each local community will have dedicated access to its page, for editing and admin purposes, through login credentials (username and password). Global BDW organziers will have admin rights over all local community pages and the ability to remove any inappropriate content (offensive content, copyright infringing content, etc.).
- All content on local community pages will be posted in the English language so as to be made available to the global BDW community. Promoting local events in other locations and on the BDW website homepage will not be possible if this guideline is not upheld.
- Every city should insert the event city page in Google places
Pre-event guidelines
- Immediately after an event has been announced – the local community organizing that event is responsible for posting the news on its dedicated BDW website page.
- After the announcement, the local community is also responsible for posting news related to the event on its dedicated page at least once per week, every week.
- One month before the event, the number of posts should grow to a minimum of two per week.
- The author name of each article should be: name surname from BDW city. EX: Susan Doe from BDW Amsterdam
During the event
- On each BDW day, local community pages should feature a minimum of one post related to the day’s highlights and learnings.
Post-event guidelines
- In the first two weeks after the event, each local community should endeavor to post at least 3 follow-up articles – on the general experience of the event, attendee feedback and key findings. ( their city BDW page and social media too)
- Afterwards, posts to the website should be made at every two weeks – either gathering suggestions for the upcoming events, sharing big data news or other relevant topics.
Email Marketing
- Users and attendees can register for two types of newsletters: global and local. All local subscribers will also be subscribed to the global newsletter. However, users can be subscribed to only the global newsletter and no local ones. Local subscriptions are not exclusive – a user can subscribe to receive news from more local communities at the same time.
- The email marketing solution used by all BDW global and local communities will be decided by the BDW global organizing team. Local communities will not have the possibility to choose a different provider or solution, unless explicitly allowed to do so by a member on the BDW global commitee.
- Local communities will send no more than 2 newsletters per week to subscribers and will comply with all antispam regulations.
- Members of the organizing teams in local communities understand that email databases belong to Big Data Week and not to any specific person or commuity – regardless of the effort that the respective community has put into growing the database. This is necessary in order to enable BDW to be organized in the same location by different teams across different editions – for instance by a certain team in 2014 and a different one in 2015, in case the previous team wishes to retreat from the project or is removed from the project for cause.
Social Media
- The official Big Data Week 2014 hashtag will be #bdw4.
- For the purpose of localizing we recommend using the #bdw14 hashtag together with the hashtag of the city you want to identify. This allows users to track either all BDW tweets from across the world or monitor just those in their location of interest.
Example of accepted use:
Great presentations today at #bdw14 #TelAviv – looking forward to the upcoming workshops!
Example of unrecommended use:
Great presentations today at #bdw14TelAviv – looking forward to the upcoming workshops!
- The official global BDW Facebook page is www.facebook/com/bigdataweek.
- Local BDW communities can establish dedicated Facebook pages in other languages. For instance: www.facebook.com/bigdataweekTelAviv.
- On each day of BDW, each local community should provide at least one Facebook post for the global BDW page – written in English and linking to English language content. The post can address the day’s schedule, topics or results and it can link either to external content or to the local community’s page on the BDW website.
- The official SlideShare BWD page is www.slideshare.com/bigdataweek
- Unlike in the case of Facebook, we do not recommend setting up local pages on SlideShare.
- During BWD each local community should send a minimum of one presentation to be featured on the BDW SlideShare account, but no more than 3 presentations. Presentations should be submitted in English and should preferably be the most popular presentations from the local event, as decided by the organizing team.
- Presentations that will not be submitted in English will not be posted on the BDW SlideShare profile.
- Each presentation should contain BDW logo on a minimum of one slide. We recommend that this be the first slide.
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