
Data Science Spain Meetup

The top Data Science community in Spain (Data Science Spain) will hold a the meeting in Madrid to talk about the emerging world of Big Data Science under the leadership of Santiago Basaldúa, Ph.D. and Senior Data Scientist at Synergic Partners, as well as one of the prime movers within the community.

The presentation will be developed around three ideas and will end with a debate and a networking opportunity for all attendees.

Big Data: The Rules Have Changed
Data Science in the Era of Big Data
Data Scientists: A New Way to Work

The event will be held from 16:30h to 18:30h at the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria in Madrid, after the day session entitled Big Data Companies & Networking.

As space is limited, you can sign up for the session through the meet-up or e-mailing directly

We hope to see you all there!


La primera comunidad de Data Science en España ( Data Science Spain )organiza un encuentro en Madrid para hablar del nuevo mundo de Big Data Science de la mano de Santiago Basaldúa, PhD y Senior Data Scientist de Synergic Partners e impulsor de la comunidad.

La presentación se desarrollará entorno a 3 ideas para terminar con un debate y networking entre todos los asistentes.

Big Data: Han cambiado las reglas
Data Science en la era Big Data
Data Scientists: Una nueva forma de trabajar

El evento tendrá lugar de 16:30h a 18:30h en la Universidad Francisco de Vitoria de Madrid, después de la Jornada: Big Data Companies & Networking Session.

Os podéis inscribir a la sesión a través del meetup o contactando directamente con cmartinez@synergicpartners.com ( el aforo es limitado )

¡ Os esperamos a todos !

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