
#bdw12 – Big Data Week – What will I learn?

Big Data Week




Some amazing Big Data facts is what you will learn.


There are over 340 million new tweets every day.

The entire New York Times over the last half century printed just 2.9 billion words.  More than 8 billion words are added to Twitter every single day.


250 million photos uploaded, that’s a quarter-billion, and 2.7 billion likes every single day.

Over 845 million active monthly users and more than 100 billion connections among all of them.

More than half of all North Americans are on Facebook.

Google Books

Thus far they have managed to digitize somewhere on the order of 4% of every book every published, weighing in at around 2 trillion words.  If we do the math, that works out to somewhere around 50 trillion words in all of the books published in the world over the last half millennia.

At its current growth rate, Twitter will reach that many words just three years from now.  That’s right, in less than a decade it will have captured more than all the printed works of the last half millennia.

So we have a vast amount of data that is growing not just from social networks but digitizing history, but unless you have a method to analyze and correlate this data then it is useless you have to be able to go back in time or filter in real time to stand a chance of actually producing a result but of course you must know the question first.

Big Data Week has a series of events covering such questions, but also by bringing together a varied set of people and organisations, then I’m sure more questions will asked than answered.

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