

#bdw12 Andy Kirk: visualising the journey

This is a interview with Andy Kirk from, as part of the Big Data Week Interview series. For many, what is known as “data visualisation” is a relatively new phenomenon. Deriving from a virtuous circle of the familiarity of Excel and the ability to create sophisticated graphics from a mass-market computer, the concept is becoming increasingly engrained into popular culture. Where visualsing data was once the domain of the Open University after midnight on BBC2, it's now prevalent across newspapers (often in double-page spreads) and, of course, in the hyper-realism of television news.

#bdw12 What was it all about?

“It's all about Big Data” we promised, and for one week in April, that was certainly the case. From almost any angle of computing – technical, managerial, theoretical, artistic – data has never enjoyed so much attention. With attention comes caution - “How do we manage so much stuff?” - and, thankfully, Big Data Week kept one eye on these pressing, contemporary issues as well as the other firmly focussed on the future.

#bdw12 Data Science Hackathon Winner

James Patterson is the official winner of the Data Science Hackathon organised by Data Science London in conjunction with Big Data Week. Having worked through 24 hours over 150 participants submitted their final entries and it James was declared the official winner.


Many people know Ubuntu as a great desktop environment, favoured by developers working with leading technologies. In partnership with the client, Ubuntu Server is fast...
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