

Mind The [Analytical] Gap

It’s no secret that big data offers organisations a real opportunity to gain competitive advantage, open up new revenue streams and increase efficiency. Yet, while some are charging ahead, others are falling behind.

Internet Data Wars: The First Skirmishes

2012 was a year of change. Change that could have far-reaching implications in the near future as internet service providers (ISP’s) and web browser developers look to take advantage of public concerns regarding cookie tracking, distorting the fragile equilibrium of internet data availability and therefore threatening a core pillar of digital communications.

The Differences Between SQL And NoSQL Training

Database management has changed substantially over the years. We are seeing many developers migrate away from SQL to NoSQL databases. Whether it is for financial reasons, scalability, or in preparation for handling Big Data, NoSQL is beginning to become a more viable option for many businesses. However, since many businesses that utilize non-relational databases have used relational databases for years, switching over can sometimes be a bit difficult. In order to help make that transition smoother, it’s important to be aware of the differences between training for SQL and NoSQL.

Big Data In A Big Brave World

Bob Plumridge, Chief Technology Officer EMEA at Hitachi Data Systems, discusses how big data is transforming businesses and our lives, using examples from across the Hitachi Ltd. family and also making reference to the Mayans’ approach to data analysis. Also discussed is the notion of balancing today’s privacy requirements with tomorrow’s big data needs.

Data Governance And Social Media: First Things First

As as the power of social media as a business tool grows, increasing numbers of businesses are looking to gather information about their clients and develop a holistic viewpoint of each customer. The problem is, is that many are doing so without properly considering all eventualities. Failure to properly approach and define social media can pose serious challenges to the business, its reputation and risk brand damage. Resulting in frustrated customers and a degradation of customer loyalty. Peter argues that the first thing all companies must do, before even beginning to gather data, is to conduct a comprehensive process of data governance. An effective way of formally defining and managing information as a resource and as an asset.

Who’s Afraid Of The Big, Bad Data?

Why are so many organisations so terrified of data and refuse to see the benefits it can bring? ‘Big data’ is now a common term, but traditionally, the treatment of the flow of information within an organisation has been comparable to that of a piece of radioactive material. Not only has it been quarantined and isolated in the IT department, but access to it has typically been limited to only one individual - the data scientist – who is deemed to be the only person qualified enough to handle it.

Five Steps To Handling Big Data

Need to know how to bring together and drive revenue from all the data at your organisation's disposal? Matt Hollingsworth, managing account director at Acxiom, outlines a five-step process for dealing with big data

Share your Data Visualisations on during Big Data Week

We are happy and excited to support Big Data Week at its 200+ meetups across the world. Use as a resource when creating visualizations during the event. Explore visualizations by topic, form, or tool. Discover tips and techniques from workshops given at our previous Marathons. On, we?ll have a Big Data Week gallery to share and promote visualizations created at BDW events. We invite all attendees to participate. Please provide the following information to those who would like to include their work.