

Are We Stuck At Big Data Base Camp?

Big Data. It’s been the subject on businesses’ lips for some time now due to its potential to improve performance across the board, delivering better results and increasing revenues. This is an unprecedented opportunity in today’s tough economic times, so why haven’t we seen more businesses shouting about the benefits they’ve seen on their Big Data journeys? Oracle's Director Big Data in EMEA, Mike Connaughton, looks at the reasons behind this and what needs to be done to get the Big Data juggernaut rolling.

The Changing Face Of Data: The Convergence Of Technologies, Devices And Apps Is Prodding More Companies To Take Big Data Seriously

In a world where ABC (Analytics, Big Data, Cloud) are converging, the need to manage, monitor and predict business outcomes and market readiness is also changing. And with the wide prevalence of tablets, smart phones and social media, the urgency to mine intelligence from the tons of raw data is prodding more companies and governments to beef up their big data plans.

The Challenge Of Online Data

Online retail has introduced an order of magnitude change in both the number of decisions to be taken, and the complexity of data available. Furthermore, there is still no agreement on eCommerce norms and best practice for how to interpret and respond to what the data shows. The challenge can appear daunting and it is easy to either disengage or to drown in the data, but failing to get to grips with the numbers is a huge gamble. At best you miss opportunities to grow pro?ts; at worst you lose control of your online channel.

Forget About Big Data – It’s All About New Data

90% of the world’s data is less than two years old. What does this mean for UK businesses? Regardless of whether you intend to extract information from the data your business collects, how will you handle, store, manage and compute it? And how will the infrastructure behind it cope?

The Big Data Scientist Hunt

Big Data is officially the biggest buzzword of 2013. The problem is that so few people actually know what to do with all that data, and finding the mythical “data scientist” proves exceptionally difficult (